There is nothing quite like the feeling of having cash in your pocket. If you do not have access to a bank account, then cash isn’t just a welcome option – it’s a necessity. So when you receive a cheque, whether it is a payout from an insurance company, a superannuation withdrawal or just your casino winning cheque, converting it into cash can be a frustrating challenge. However, there is a safe and secure way to rapidly cash cheques in Melbourne without the frustration of going through a bank. Cheque Cashers serves Melbourne and its immediate area by appointment 7 days per week. No matter what time of the day or night you need to change your cheques into cash, we can meet you at a location of your choosing in the city. We travel to you, so it is the ultimate convenience! Best of all, we value your privacy and safety, we focus on making all transactions as simple as possible. When you opt to use Cheque Cashers, we take care of you.
Skip the wait at the bank when you need to cash cheques in Melbourne
Depositing your cheque at a bank can often mean that it will be several days before your cash is available, especially if the amount on the cheque is significant. Most bank customers will face at least three business days for processing to take place before the cheque clears. Not only that but depositing in a bank brings with it other delays: travelling to your bank’s local branch and standing in line takes the time that you could be using in other ways. When you need to quickly cash a cheque in Melbourne, forget the bank and give us a call at Cheque Cashers.
Here is how our service works: after you phone us (day or night!), we take steps to verify your identity in accordance with regulations. Then, we set up a meeting at a secure location of your choosing. We travel immediately to you with cash in hand to exchange for your cheques. It’s convenient and simple and an excellent option in many circumstances. Just hit it big at a casino? Call us and you can quickly cash your winning cheque in Melbourne the very same day.
Convenient, discreet service every time
At Cheque Cashers, your privacy and security are our top concern. Every transaction you conduct with us is maintained in the strictest confidence and all information you supply to us for verification is kept secret with all applicable laws. When you need instant access to funds, no matter the reason, Cheque Cashers is there ready to help you. Please note that no personal cheque enquiries can be accepted. We cash superannuation, tax, TAB, insurance, government, casino and in some cases business cheques. For more information or to get cash for your cheques now, please call us directly on 1300 412 347.