Need cash at an odd hour of the night and can’t find anywhere open? Stuck somewhere in the West Melbourne area where there’s no access to a place that will cash your cheque? Cheque Cashers is here to solve your cheque cashing problems. Available by appointment 7 days per week, we can cash cheques instantly in Melbourne, whether it be in North Melbourne or anywhere else in the Melbourne area.
Cheque Cashers offers a convenient and easy to use service known as Mobile Cheque Cashing. We can meet with you at any location at any time and will give you cash for your cheque. This makes it easy for you to get cash at times and places when you would otherwise be at a loss of how to get money for your cheque. Normally there is a three to five day waiting time when you go through a bank and we offer the opportunity to bypass this inconvenience by one simple phone call. We offer the opportunity to cash cheques instantly in the Melbourne C.B.D.
Cash Cheques Instantly in West, North, East or South Melbourne
After the eligibility of the cheque and customer identification criteria is completed, we will meet you where suits you best and when it suits you best. We don’t just limit ourselves to cashing one type of cheque either. Although we do not cash personal cheques, we offer cashing services for superannuation, tax, TAB, insurance cheques, government cheques, Australian pokies, casino and some business cheques.
A large part of our business comes from Australian pokie cheques, so if you had a lucky day at the casino, we’re here to help you get cash in your hand right away. If you recently received your tax cheque, we will meet you anywhere to get you the money that you deserve. We will cash cheques immediately in North Melbourne or anywhere else in the area.
Our Services Are Private and Secure.
We understand that privacy, confidentiality and security go hand-in-hand. Discretion is an emphasis that we place on every transaction. Whether it’s at a convenience store in the middle of the afternoon or a gas station in the middle of the night, we can meet you for a confidential transaction that will leave you with quick cash for a variety of different cheques.
Our system is designed to minimise stress and provide convenience with a system that caters primarily to the customer. No more waiting for days on end for a bank or other financial institution to clear your cheque. We want you to be satisfied with our service and we remain dedicated to providing you with the satisfaction and privacy you deserve. We can cash cheques instantly in West Melbourne or anywhere else in the Melbourne area. Call us at any time, from anywhere within a 30km radius of the CBD, on 1300 412 347 and receive your money.